( not so )

fast fashion!
There is no Planet B!
Save lives before the storm arrives!
We can make a difference!
Last term Yr 9 art students worked to a text based art brief.

We held class discussions about things we cared about and issues we were concerned with collectively and personally.

Some students made work for Refugee Week, others were concerned with racism in sport or identity politics.

Some students wanted to raise awareness of the Climate emergency, so they made work specifically to be shown for Globe Day.

No new materials were bought for this project- we dyed re-cycled T-shirts and Tote bags. The back drop of our fashion shoot was made up the used stencils.

We looked specifically at Vivianne Westwood's 'Climate' collection, Bob and Roberta Smith, Barbara Kruger and Keith Haring.

The aim was to explore how artists and designers campaign for causes through their work- but also how they embed this within the making process.

Thanks to the two groups for working so well collaboratively, sharing and discussing complex issues in a respectful way.

Do Something!
Corrupt World